Retirement & Pensions
“For everybody in their busy lives, you need to invest in sharpening your tools, and you need to invest in longevity."
Ryan Holmes – CEO of Hootsuite
b. 1974

Build today to win tomorrow.
It’s important to save for the future and to engage with retirement provisions.
There are many more things to be aware of when it comes to pensions than simply saving as much as you can afford to.
There is no time like the present!
There are many more things to be aware of when it comes to pensions than simply saving as much as you can afford to. It’s why speaking to an adviser is important.
There are pension rules that keep on changing, self-employed pension pots that need to be set up, pension drawdowns and much more. It can sometimes feel like a roller-coaster.
Therefore, it is important to access financial advice where possible, to avoid disappointment later on. An adviser can help build in all these factors to your own bespoke retirement financial plan. So the earlier in your life and career you act, the more you would exponentially benefit when it comes to retirement!

ATOS members. Discover out how we can help you.
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The Tavistock Group manages the personal wealth of tens of thousands of customers and over £1Billion of investments, providing them with financial advice and access to investment products and services.
Post-Pandemic Finances
UK households have built up over a staggering £117 billion of savings after being cooped up at home since the start of the pandemic.
Pensions and Divorce
Overlooking pensions when dividing assets could result in financial hardship in retirement.
Don’t underestimate the importance of estate planning – and making a Will.
The idea of having to pay inheritance tax (IHT) is unpopular to say the least. This tax is charged on an estate, which is the property, money and possessions left behind to loved ones who will pay 40% anything above the threshold.
Investors are increasingly choosing to put their money into companies that seek to make the world a better place. Â
More than two thirds of savers believe that they would be able to spot a pension scam if they saw one.
Starting your own business: mistakes to avoid
Starting the journey as a business owner can be an exciting and rewarding experience, however, it is important to avoid money management mistakes and learn how to take calculated risks that will benefit your company. With a sizable number of new businesses failing within their first year, it’s important to learn from past entrepreneurs’ mistakes to avoid them yourself in the future.
Retirement can be a daunting thought. It can cause the best of us additional stress and anxiety as the big day gets ever closer, always wondering if our pension pot will prove to be enough. The amount needed to fulfil your dreams will largely depend on the lifestyle and post retirement plans you have in mind.
The mystery of the missing pensions
It’s been widely reported that millions of people have lost track of their workplace pensions as people change jobs and move house so often.
Contact Us
Chris Partington and Paul Shackleton are the lead advisers to ATOS Support, and working with Abacus colleagues, can coordinate wealth management services across the UK for its members.
With over xx years experience in the fund management industry, more information and credentials should go here.
To contact Chris or Paul and the team for an initial consultation, please complete the form or please call them directly.
Please also indicate which services you are particularly interested in:
01432 343322
Head Office - Hereford
07890 123456
Paul Shackleton - Direct
07890 543210
Chris Partington - Office
Abacus Associates Financial Services is a trading style of Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FCA number 230342.
Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tavistock Investments Plc.
Tavistock Partners (UK) Ltd trading as Abacus Associates Financial Services are only authorised to give advice to UK residents.
Registered in England Registered OÂffice: 1 Queen’s Square, Ascot Business Park, Lyndhurst Road, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 9FE. Company Number 04961992.
Will Writing, Lasting Power of Attorneys and some aspects of Tax Planning are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
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