“I am pleased to announce the launch of a strategic partnership for ATOS Employees with one of the UK’s leading advisory firms, creating a dedicated wealth management and financial planning service. The needs of every individual and their families can often be complex, requiring a level of expertise well above the norm; the ATOS / Abacus initiative therefore provides a resource to manage our specific needs, with financial planning solutions designed specifically for each individual and their circumstamces.”
It’s time to fly the nest and figure out what adulting is really about! This part of life can be pretty up and down, so make sure you hold on tight, and in amongst the fun, make sure you save what you can!
Life may be just about be starting to settle down. Maybe you’ve worked out what career direction you’re heading in, got on the property ladder, or maybe you’ve found a perfect travelling companion and you’re off to explore the world.
Time to build on how far you’ve come, potentially push yourself and your life to learn and experience more and challenge yourself. Hopefully with a little comfort cushion, you’ll be able to enjoy it without counting every single penny..
Reaching the years renowned for recklessly purchases, treating yourself a little which provided you’re not shooting your future self in the foot financially, your budgets and commitments are still met, then you deserve it.
You’ve worked hard for most of your adult life so now it’s now time to start thinking about a new chapter, whether starting a fresh life elsewhere, or simply semi-retiring for an easier life, make sure to long-term future goals are secure.
If you’re now no longer dependent on work for a steady income, there’s so much more time to enjoy! It’s time to bask in the freedom of old age and look back on all your busy years, hopefully with joy and excitement at what’s still to come.
See our lifetime events page

OUR services for employees:
General Financial Planning
Investing and Managing Money
Homes and Property
Family Matters
Retirement and Pensions
Are better days ahead?
Never has the need to search for light seemed stronger than it has in the past year. Unexpectedly, the world as we knew it plunged into disarray; everyday news was filled with economic markets crashes, business collapses and society as we know it, has become a distant memory. It feels we have been living a through a time of great upheaval.
Lockdown Lessons: The Chance To Learn About Money
Lockdown home-schooling may be testing the patience of many parents around the UK, however in terms of resources, things have developed since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
COVID and The Saving Habit
For the most part of a year now, we have been on “lockdown”; staying at home in a bid to help reduce the spread of coronavirus and to protect the vital NHS.
Vital Family Support Comes from Over 50’s
Over the past ten years, the Bank of Mum and Dad has become a regular lender for young people around the UK.* For first time house buyers, it has become common to receive a loan from parents to establish a foot on the property ladder, with research this year showing nearly one in four home purchases are backed by “the Bank of Mum and Dad”.
Getting Back To Pensions
Over the past year, the world has been on hold with coronavirus having a huge impact in all aspect of financial life. Perhaps naturally, so have your future plans. Undoubtedly, this has brought concerns for those with pensions saved in volatile markets.
It seems fair to suggest that everyone would like to put aside a bit of extra money when they can, and an ISA could be a smart way to do so. With the extra positive that they come with tax free interest, ISAs can be an efficient way of making your money work for you.
Back to School
Summer is finally drawing to a close, and parents all-round the UK are probably breathing a secret sigh of relief for the return of a routine and no more desperate attempts for entertainment without breaking the bank. The holidays can be pricey, not only with the various activities, but with preparing for the new school year. We’ve explored a few ways you could save yourself a few pennies at this time of year.
Bank of Mum and Dad
The reality for many young adults nowadays is that they can’t leave home without The Bank of Mum & Dad.
Flying the Nest
Becoming a university student involves a lot of life changes. Not only are you learning a whole new subject, making new friends and getting used to a new city, but you also need to start learning how to pay bills and how to find the money to have fun! We have pulled together a quick guide to ease you in to living independently.
Money Talk: No Longer Taboo
Talking about money and personal finances is perhaps one of the most classic British taboos*. As the saying goes: “There are two things you never talk about in life: money and politics”.
Millennials vs Baby Boomers
Imagine being stuck in a world where you can’t ever grow up. A Peter Pan fantasy for many, but instead of the giddy fun of magical fairies and swash-buckling pirates, many millennials nowadays are finding living the fairy tale is more frustrating than dream-like.
Contact Us
Chris Partington and Paul Shackleton are the lead advisers to ATOS Support, and working with Abacus colleagues, can coordinate wealth management services across the UK for its members.
With over xx years experience in the fund management industry, more information and credentials should go here.
To contact Chris or Paul and the team for an initial consultation, please complete the form or please call them directly.
Please also indicate which services you are particularly interested in:
01432 343322
Head Office - Hereford
07890 123456
Paul Shackleton - Direct
07890 543210
Chris Partington - Office
Abacus Associates Financial Services is a trading style of Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FCA number 230342.
Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tavistock Investments Plc.
Tavistock Partners (UK) Ltd trading as Abacus Associates Financial Services are only authorised to give advice to UK residents.
Registered in England Registered Office: 1 Queen’s Square, Ascot Business Park, Lyndhurst Road, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 9FE. Company Number 04961992.
Will Writing, Lasting Power of Attorneys and some aspects of Tax Planning are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage.
The firm is not responsible for the content of external links.