Financial planning
“Long-range planning does not deal with future decisions, but with the future of present decisions.”
Peter Drucker – Business Philosopher
1909 – 2005
Life gets in the way most every day.
It seldom gives warning and most always takes us by surprise.
Events happen throughout everyone’s life and none of us seem to be able to predict when.
But we can learn from the experiences of others and can choose a plan to maximise the advantage of opportunities and minimise the effects of disasters.
Whether you are looking to buy your first home, get married, have pension perfection, or have a savings pot to help cover unexpected life events. Mapping out your future with an adviser can help make your money work for you the way you want it to, and ensure you have a reservoir of funds to cope with whatever hits you.
Starting early and being prepared can go a long way.
Plan your life and your finances – to ensure you can enjoy life and live it!
ATOS members. Discover out how we can help you.
Book a consultation today.
Give us a call today on 01432 343322 and ask to speak with one of our advisers,
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The Tavistock Group manages the personal wealth of tens of thousands of customers and over £1Billion of investments, providing them with financial advice and access to investment products and services.
Changing priorities for pensions
Over the years there have been many recommendations on the best route to take for your pension with a common perception that everyone should start young, to benefit from compound interest. The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) may have changed this thought process. In a recent survey the IFS has called the government to nudge people to save more into pensions once their children have left home.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance is a policy that pays out a benefit (usually a lump sum) on the death of the life assured.
Investing for all
With just a couple of weeks to go until the tax year ends, many investors will be finalising their plans to use up their 2020/21 allowances, including the annual £20,000 ISA allowance.
COVID and The Saving Habit
For the most part of a year now, we have been on “lockdown”; staying at home in a bid to help reduce the spread of coronavirus and to protect the vital NHS.
Vital Family Support Comes from Over 50’s
Over the past ten years, the Bank of Mum and Dad has become a regular lender for young people around the UK.* For first time house buyers, it has become common to receive a loan from parents to establish a foot on the property ladder, with research this year showing nearly one in four home purchases are backed by “the Bank of Mum and Dad”.
Getting Back To Pensions
Over the past year, the world has been on hold with coronavirus having a huge impact in all aspect of financial life. Perhaps naturally, so have your future plans. Undoubtedly, this has brought concerns for those with pensions saved in volatile markets.
Back to School
Summer is finally drawing to a close, and parents all-round the UK are probably breathing a secret sigh of relief for the return of a routine and no more desperate attempts for entertainment without breaking the bank. The holidays can be pricey, not only with the various activities, but with preparing for the new school year. We’ve explored a few ways you could save yourself a few pennies at this time of year.
Bank of Mum and Dad
The reality for many young adults nowadays is that they can’t leave home without The Bank of Mum & Dad.
Contact Us
Chris Partington and Paul Shackleton are the lead advisers to ATOS Support, and working with Abacus colleagues, can coordinate wealth management services across the UK for its members.
With over xx years experience in the fund management industry, more information and credentials should go here.
To contact Chris or Paul and the team for an initial consultation, please complete the form or please call them directly.
Please also indicate which services you are particularly interested in:
01432 343322
Head Office - Hereford
07890 123456
Paul Shackleton - Direct
07890 543210
Chris Partington - Office
Abacus Associates Financial Services is a trading style of Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FCA number 230342.
Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tavistock Investments Plc.
Tavistock Partners (UK) Ltd trading as Abacus Associates Financial Services are only authorised to give advice to UK residents.
Registered in England Registered Office: 1 Queen’s Square, Ascot Business Park, Lyndhurst Road, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 9FE. Company Number 04961992.
Will Writing, Lasting Power of Attorneys and some aspects of Tax Planning are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage.
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